Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 16: Ahoy! Dock Building! (Part II)

Today we continued to build the dock by Lulu Lake with the local interns - Kelly, Ellen, Catherine, and Spencer. It was super fun and a nice cool day. the breeze was blowing. we finished assembling the last two sections of the dock, which is the farthest from the shore.

After Sarah brought the docks to Lulu Lake to be placed into the water, Emily voluntarily went into the water to help drag the docks into the water and line them up with the docks the local interns had already installed. She was having a lot of fun getting wet. All of us worked together to put the dock and form the L shape we needed to properly dock the pontoon.

We screwed bolts with the socket wrench and placed metal posts into the hinges.We then used the pipe wrench to twist the auger into the ground. It took a lot of upper body strength to put the posts into the ground properly.

Even though we had some interruptions with local police in training, we still had a successful day.

Here we are waiting for Sarah, Ellen and Kelly to finish putting the last posts into the water.

We were all excited to see that the baby birds were still in the nest in front of the garages.

Marissa was excited to see the prairie flowers in full bloom in front of the Pickeral Lake Office;

And kept taking artsy photos of the blue sky.  It was quite beautiful!!  It looked like the clouds were drawn on a blue screen!!

After a long day of work, we decided to go to the beach and take a quick dip in the refreshing water. Marissa started to teach Joan and Rebecca how to tread water- the first step of learning how to swim. Meanwhile, Emily and Lucinda swam out to a platform to do cannonballs.

After an hour or so, we came home and started our midterm evaluations. Lastly, we cooked a tasty dinner of pasta with spinach, summer squash, and salad.

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